Cardio – GitaRam Hospital

Cardiology :

Coronary disease is directly related to the heart, whereas cardiovascular disease affects the heart, veins, or both. The cardiologist can provide advice on how to avoid coronary disease. A cardiologist will review a patient’s clinical history and conduct an examination. They may examine the individual’s weight, heart, lungs, pulse, and veins, as well as perform a few tests. An interventional cardiologist may perform procedures such as Angioplasties, Stenting, Valvuloplasty, Inborn heart deformity correction, and Coronary Thrombectomies.

Some common tests to diagnose heart problems are-

a. Electrocardiogram

It is a procedure for determining the electrical activity of the heartbeat. It indicates how properly your heart is beating.  An ECG provides two types of information. First, a doctor can calculate how long the electrical wave takes to traverse through the heart by monitoring time intervals on the ECG. Second, a cardiologist may be able to determine whether sections of the heart are excessively big or overworked by evaluating the amount of electrical activity traveling through the heart muscle.

b. Echocardiogram

An echocardiogram (echo) is a test that takes photographs of your heart using high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound). This examination is also known as diagnostic cardiac ultrasonography or echocardiography. Your doctor can watch your heart beating and pumping blood with this standard test. Echocardiography can be used by your doctor to detect heart problems. It’s similar to an X-ray, but without the risks of radiation.

c. Treadmill (TMT)

A Treadmill (TMT) test, commonly known as a cardiac stress test, evaluates your heart’s resilience and its capacity to maintain a steady beat under elevated pressure. This procedure involves walking or running on a treadmill, progressively intensifying the difficulty to observe how your heart responds.

d. Holter Monitoring

Holter monitoring is a cardiac diagnostic procedure designed to detect irregularities in heart rhythm. In cases where conventional electrocardiography falls short in providing comprehensive data, physicians may recommend a 24-hour Holter monitoring to identify and monitor potential heart rhythm abnormalities.

Ambulatory electrocardiograms, including the Holter monitor, are devices that record your heart’s electrical activity as you engage in your daily routine, offering a dynamic assessment of your heart’s health.