General Surgery – GitaRam Hospital

General Surgery Overview

A department of general surgery in a polyclinic is a specialized medical unit that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of surgical conditions. General surgeons in a polyclinic are highly trained and experienced in a wide range of surgical procedures, including

i. Abdominal surgery

Abdominal surgery is a type of surgical procedure that involves making incisions in the abdominal wall to access and operate on organs and tissues in the abdominal cavity.

ii. Breast surgery

Breast surgery is a group of surgical procedures that involve the breasts, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, and breast biopsy. Recovery time and post-operative care depend on the type of surgery and individual health.

iii. Hernia repair

During the hernia repair operation, the surgeon Pushes the swollen tissue back into position during hernia repair surgery. Rehabilitates the hernia defect, or weaker connective tissue and muscle. It is possible to use a supportive mesh material to reinforce the weak spot and keep tissues in position.

The department of general surgery may provide a variety of services, including consultations, diagnostic testing, surgical procedures, and post-operative care. General surgeons may perform minimally invasive or laparoscopic surgery, which allows for quicker recovery times and less scarring than traditional open surgery.

Common conditions treated by the department of general surgery may include

Treatment options may vary depending on the condition and may include medication, minimally invasive or traditional surgery, or a combination of both.

The primary goal of the polyclinic’s department of general surgery is to provide comprehensive and individualized care to patients with surgical conditions. The primary goal of the polyclinic’s department of general surgery is to provide comprehensive and individualized care to patients with surgical conditions.

Some FAQs About General Surgery -

Some common conditions treated by general surgeons include appendicitis, hernias, gallbladder disease, breast cancer, and colon cancer. General surgeons may also perform emergency surgeries to treat traumatic injuries or life-threatening conditions.

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that involves making small incisions in the abdomen and using a laparoscope (a thin, lighted tube with a camera) to view and perform the surgery. Laparoscopic surgery typically results in less pain, smaller scars, and a faster recovery time compared to traditional open surgery.

Some common surgical procedures performed by general surgeons include appendectomy (removal of the appendix), cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder), mastectomy (removal of the breast), and colon resection (removal of part of the colon).

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